Breeder Directory Listing Applications are Open for submission
Applications received after April 1st will be reviewed and added to the website quarterly.
Please Use the Form Below to answer the Breeder Listing Application.
Breeder Listing
- I wish to be listed in the online ACCC Breeder Directory and agree to hold the American Chinese Crested Club harmless from any causes of action and declarations made from this day forward in the placement of any Chinese Crested I offer resulting from this listing.
- I certify I am a member in good standing for more than one year and will follow the ACCC’s Code of Ethics as they relate to breeding and selling Chinese Cresteds.
- I acknowledge my name, state, email and phone number will be listed on the ACCC Website under Breeder Directory
- Disciplinary actions will follow ACCC Bylaws Article VI Section 2.
Breeder Directory Policy & Procedure
Purpose: To define the process for making a listing available to the public of ACCC Members in good standing who are breeders and would like their information made available through the club’s website.
Club Responsibilities:
- The ACCC will provide an online breeder directory on the club’s website for current members in good standing who have maintained membership for a minimum of one year.
- A breeder listing on the club’s website is a benefit of membership and there will be no fee charged for the listing.
- The ACCC board will appoint a chair who will verify breeder members application to ensure the member is in good standing and has maintained membership for no less than one year.
- The ACCC Website disclaimer will read as follows: The American Chinese Crested Club (ACCC) is pleased to provide a member breeders directory list, but in so doing does NOT accept responsibility for any guarantees or claims made by individual breeders listed in the directory.
The ACCC is not involved in the sale and cannot be held responsible for any conflict that may occur, and by use of this list, you expressly agree that you release the ACCC from any and all claims and waive any and all damages, liability and expense.
This listing should be used for reference only and due diligence is your responsibility. All prospective buyers are encouraged to utilize the Finding A Chinese Crested section to help in your selection process.
By selecting ACCEPT to enter the directory you acknowledge that you have read, understand and accept the statements above, accept the limitations and conditions set out above and release the ACCC, its officers, agents or representatives of any claims arising out of use of this website. In return, you will be granted access to the list of ACCC breeder members.
Member Responsibilities:
- Any ACCC member breeder who is in good standing and has maintained membership for no less than one year is eligible to apply to be listed on the online breeder directory.
- A breeder member in good standing may apply to be listed throughout the year, however, the site will be updated on a quarterly basis.
- Breeder members will be listed alphabetically by their last name under the state in which they reside.
- Breeder members will complete an application
- It is the responsibility of the member to notify the Corresponding Secretary of any updates or changes to the breeder listing.
- Any members listed in the directory who let their membership lapse (as described in the ACCC Bylaws) will be removed from the directory.
- Any member who is suspended by AKC will have their breeder listing removed for a likely period of time.
Policy Approved November 14, 2023